
Showing posts from February, 2024

The Blue Pipes of Berlin

At various points around Berlin you can see blue pipes (and occasionally pink pipes) heading along streets. I have never seen anything like that in any other city, and was intrigued to find out more. Berlin was built on a swamp, and when construction work is being done, water is a big problem. It needs to be pumped away, so the construction company installs a pipeline. This image has a section that is disconnected from the rest. Left over from an earlier installation? The pipes are about 10 cm in diameter, and connected with bolted flanges so can presumably be readily assembled and disassembled. It is supported on posts of similar pipes, set into blocks on concrete, with loose fitting at the top that might support two or even three pipes at a time. the variation is height is probably just for negotiating strange angles, but might also help with expansion and contraction. Here you can see where it enters the water, briefly painted yellow. The arrangement in the water may be designed to


It was early February I visited Worcester, but the weather was surprisingly good; no rain, not too cold and even blue skies for some of the time. Only a few weeks earlier it had experiences bad flooding! The focal point of the city is undoubtedly the cathedral. Founded in 680, it was completely rebuilt in 1084. This is the view from the east, where the A44 passes it. The interior is impressive, but if I am honest, pretty much like most other cathedrals... It is, however, notable that King John is buried here, as is Arthur, older brother of Henry VIII. Looking to the right of the cathedral, is an old hexagonal pillar box, with fine buildings beyond. Heading north along the A44 in that direction, we find St Andrew's Spire. Also known as Glover's Needle, this is all that remains of  St Andrews Church. The rest was demolished in 1949, as it had fallen into disuse. Wikipedia claims stones were lifted by kite flying during construction. Can that be true? Further along the A44 is All